Software engineer in natural language processing and machine learning.
- Email: hayato.kobayashi at gmail.com
- URL: http://hayatokobayashi.com/
- Recent interest: Real-world application of NLP/ML
- Note: I am neither a Gundam character nor a French chef :-]
- Misc: Google Scholar, DBLP, GitHub, Twitter(ja), Patentfield(ja),
Work Experience
- Nov. 2021 - present: Software Engineer at Google (Tokyo, Japan)
- May 2013 - Nov. 2021: Senier Chief Researcher at Yahoo! JAPAN Research, Yahoo Japan Corporation
- Dec. 2017 - Oct. 2021: Part-time/Visiting Researcher at Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN
- Apr. 2010 - Apr. 2013: Researcher at Corporate Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corporation
- Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2010: Ph.D. in Information Science, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
Thesis: "Efficient Machine Learning under Time Constraint" (Supervised by Prof. Ayumi Shinohara) - Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2007: M.S. in Information Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
- Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2005: B.S., Department of Physics, Kyushu University
- 2014 - 2021:
Kuro-obi (qualified as a top 1% specialist every year), Yahoo Japan Corporation
- FY2007 - FY2009:
Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Theme: "Research on knowledge discovery in a real-time autonomous distributed multi-agent environment" - FY2005 H2: Co-developer, MITOU Program, IPA
Theme: "Development environment of robot programs on a web application" - FY2005 - FY2006: Leader (2006) / sub-leader (2005), Challenge and Creation, Kyushu University
Theme: "Road to victory in the RoboCup four-legged league" - 2004 - 2009: Member, Jolly Pochie (RoboCup four-legged robot team), Kyushu/Tohoku University
- 2001 - 2005: Member, Qpic (game programming club), Kyushu University
Brief History
- 2021-present: Work on research and development in NLP/ML from a practical perspective to improve the search engine's quality and make people worldwide happy.
- 2013-2021: Tackled various NLP/ML-related tasks on real services, such as news, Q&A, auction, shopping, virtual assistant, etc. and focused on application of document summarization to the real world, such as news headline generation (cf. EMNLP 2018 and NAACL 2019).
- 2010-2013: Addressed several NLP tasks for home appliances, such as text mining of product reviews and language modeling for speech recognition, and studied on both practical and theoretical aspects in NLP (cf. ROBUS 2011 and ACL 2014).
- 2007-2010: Leaned to the theoretical side of machine learning and optimization algorithms and studied on how to theoretically formalize real-world problems by highly abstracting them (cf. COLT 2009 and AAMAS 2010).
- 2004-2007: Devoted my life to the robot soccer competition, RoboCup, and studied on how to practically train real robots via reinforcement learning and meta-heuristics (cf. RoboCup 2006 and DS 2007).
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Hayato Kobayashi*, Hiroaki Taguchi*, Yoshimune Tabuchi, Chahine Koleejan, Ken Kobayashi, Soichiro Fujita, Kazuma Murao, Takeshi Masuyama, Taichi Yatsuka, Manabu Okumura, Satoshi Sekine,
"A Case Study of In-House Competition for Ranking Constructive Comments in a News Service",
In Proceedings of The 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP 2021),
pages 24-35, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021.
(*equal contribution, slides)
Online (Mexico City, Mexico). June 10, 2021.
(Acceptance rate: 55% = 16/29)
Press Release (ja), Press Release 2 (ja), Blog (ja) -
Kota Tsubouchi*, Hayato Kobayashi*, Toru Shimizu*,
"POI Atmosphere Categorization Using Web Search Session Behavior",
In Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020),
pages 630-639, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.
(*equal contribution, preprint, slides)
Online (Seattle, Washington, USA). November 3-6, 2020.
(Acceptance rate of industrial papers: 41% = 7/17) -
Tatsuya Ishigaki, Kazuya Machida, Hayato Kobayashi, Hiroya Takamura, and Manabu Okumura,
"Distant Supervision for Extractive Question Summarization",
In Proceedings of the 42st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2020),
pages 182-189, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
(preprint, slides, poster, data)
Online (Lisbon, Portugal). April 14-17, 2020.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 30% = 46/159) -
Kazuya Machida*, Tatsuya Ishigaki*, Hayato Kobayashi, Hiroya Takamura, and Manabu Okumura,
"Semi-Supervised Extractive Question Summarization Using Question-Answer Pairs",
In Proceedings of the 42st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2020),
pages 255-264, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
(*equal contribution, preprint, slides, poster, data)
Online (Lisbon, Portugal). April 14-17, 2020.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 30% = 46/159) -
Soichiro Fujita, Hayato Kobayashi, and Manabu Okumura,
"Unsupervised Ensemble of Ranking Models for News Comments Using Pseudo Answers",
In Proceedings of the 42st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2020),
pages 133-140, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
(preprint, slides)
Online (Lisbon, Portugal). April 14-17, 2020.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 30% = 46/159) -
Takumi Ito*, Tatsuki Kuribayashi*, Hayato Kobayashi, Ana Brassard, Masato Hagiwara, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui,
"Diamonds in the Rough: Generating Fluent Sentences from Early-stage Drafts",
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2019),
pages 40-53, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019.
(*equal contribution, slides, data)
Tokyo, Japan. October 29-November 1, 2019.
(Acceptance rate of long papers: 53% = 36/67) -
Soichiro Fujita, Hayato Kobayashi, and Manabu Okumura,
"Dataset Creation for Ranking Constructive News Comments",
In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019),
pages 2619-2626, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019.
(poster, data)
Florence, Italy. July 28-August 2, 2019.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 18.2% = 213/1168) -
Kazuma Murao*, Ken Kobayashi*, Hayato Kobayashi, Taichi Yatsuka, Takeshi Masuyama, Tatsuru Higurashi, and Yoshimune Tabuchi.
"A Case Study on Neural Headline Generation for Editing Support",
In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2019),
pages 73-82, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019.
(*equal contribution, appendix, slides)
Minneapolis, USA. June 2-7, 2019.
(Acceptance rate of industry papers: 24.5% = 28/114)
Blog (ja) -
Heishiro Kanagawa, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Yukihiro Tagami, and Taiji Suzuki,
"Cross-Domain Recommendation via Deep Domain Adaptation",
In Proceedings of the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019).
pages 20-29, Springer International Publishing, 2019.
(preprint version, poster)
Cologne, German. April 14-18, 2019.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 29.1% = 44/151) -
Kazuma Murao, Shintaro Takemae, Hayato Kobayashi, Taichi Yatsuka, Masaki Noguchi, Hitoshi Nishikawa, and Takenobu Tokunaga,
"Neural Headline Generation with Self-Training",
In Proceedings of the Computation + Journalism Symposium 2019.
Miami, Florida, USA. February 1-2, 2019.
Hayato Kobayashi,
"Frustratingly Easy Model Ensemble for Abstractive Summarization",
In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2018),
pages 4165-4176 Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018.
Brussels, Belgium. October 31 - November 4, 2018.
(Acceptance rate of long papers: 25.5% = 351/1376) -
Tatsuru Higurashi, Hayato Kobayashi, Takeshi Masuyama, and Kazuma Murao,
"Extractive Headline Generation Based on Learning to Rank for Community Question Answering",
In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018),
pages 1742-1753. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018.
New Mexico, USA. August 20-26, 2018.
(Acceptance rate: 37.3% = 331/888) -
Toru Shimizu, Hayato Kobayashi, and Nobuyuki Shimizu,
"Pretraining Sentiment Classifiers with Unlabeled Dialog Data",
In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018),
pages 764-770. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018.
Melboume, Australia. July 15-20, 2018.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 24.0% = 126/526) -
Jan Wira Gotama Putra, Hayato Kobayashi, and Nobuyuki Shimizu,
"Incorporating Topic Sentence on Neural News Headline Generation",
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2018),
to appear.
Hanoi, Vietnam. March 18-24, 2018.
(Acceptance rate of oral presentation: 28.7% = 37/129) -
Nobuhiro Kaji and Hayato Kobayashi,
"Incremental Skip-gram Model with Negative Sampling",
In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2017),
pages 363-371. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017.
Copenhagen, Denmark. September 7-11, 2017.
(Acceptance rate of long papers: 25.8% = 216/836)
Press Release (ja), Blog (ja) -
Taiji Suzuki, Heishiro Kanagawa, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu, and Yukihiro Tagami,
"Minimax Optimal Alternating Minimization for Kernel Nonparametric Tensor Learning",
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016),
pages 3783-3791. Curran Associates, Inc, 2016.
Barcelona, Spain. December 5-10, 2016.
(Acceptance rate of long papers: 23% = 568/2500) -
Kohei Sugawara, Hayato Kobayashi, and Masajiro Iwasaki,
"On Approximately Searching for Similar Word Embeddings",
In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016),
pages 2265-2275. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2016.
Berlin, Germany. August 7-12, 2016.
(Acceptance rate of long papers: 26% = 231/897)
Press Release (ja), Blog (ja), Reaction on Twitter (ja) -
Heishiro Kanagawa, Taiji Suzuki, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu, and Yukihiro Tagami,
"Gaussian process nonparametric tensor estimator and its minimax optimality",
In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016),
pages 1632-1641. JMLR.org, 2016.
New York, USA. June 19-24, 2016.
(Acceptance rate: 24% = 322/1327) -
Kohei Yamamoto, Hayato Kobayashi, Yukihiro Tagami, and Hideki Nakayama.
"Multimodal Content-Aware Image Thumbnailing",
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW 2016),
pages 129-130. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2016.
Montreal, Canada. April 11-15, 2016.
(Acceptance rate of poster papers: 40% = 72/182) -
Tomoya Yamazaki, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Hayato Kobayashi, and Satoshi Yamauchi.
"Weighted Micro-Clustering: Application to Community Detection in Large-Scale Co-Purchasing Networks with User Attributes",
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW 2016),
pages 131-132. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2016.
Montreal, Canada. April 11-15, 2016.
(Acceptance rate of poster papers: 40% = 72/182) -
Yukihiro Tagami, Hayato Kobayashi, Shingo Ono, and Akira Tajima.
"Distributed Representations of Web Browsing Sequences for Ad Targeting",
In WSDM 2016 Workshop on Ad Targeting at Scale (TargetAd 2016).
San Francisco, USA. February 22-25, 2016. -
Phiradet Bangcharoensap, Tsuyoshi Murata, Hayato Kobayashi, and Nobuyuki Shimizu.
"Transductive Classification on Heterogeneous Information Networks with Edge Betweenness-based Normalization",
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2016),
pages 437-446. ACM, 2016. (preprint version,
San Francisco, USA. February 22-25, 2016.
(Acceptance rate: 18% = 67/368) -
Hayato Kobayashi, Masaki Noguchi, and Taichi Yatsuka.
"Summarization Based on Embedding Distributions",
In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2015),
pages 1984-1989. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015.
Lisbon, Portugal. September 17-21, 2015.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 22% = 155/700) -
Hayato Kobayashi, Kaori Tanio, and Manabu Sassano.
"Effects of a Game on User Engagement of a Spoken Dialogue System",
In Proceedings of the 16th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2015),
pages 422-426. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015.
Prague, Czech Republic. September 2-4, 2015.
(Acceptance rate of short papers: 40% = 17/42) -
Phiradet Bangcharoensap, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Satoshi Yamauchi, and Tsuyoshi Murata.
"Two Step Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning for Online Auction Fraud Detection",
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015),
part III, volume 9286 of LNCS, pages 165-179. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
(preprint version,
Porto, Portugal. September 7-11, 2015.
(Acceptance rate of industrial papers: 29% = 12/42) -
Yukihiro Tagami, Hayato Kobayashi, Shingo Ono, and Akira Tajima.
"Modeling User Activities on the Web using Paragraph Vector",
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW 2015),
pages 125-126. ACM, 2015.
Florence, Italy. May 18-22, 2015.
(Acceptance rate of poster papers: 33% = 72/220) -
Toshiaki Nakazawa, Sadao Kurohashi, Hayato Kobayashi, Hiroki Ishikawa, and Manabu Sassano.
"3-step Parallel Corpus Cleaning using Monolingual Crowd Workers",
In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2015),
volume 593 of CCIS, pages 79-93. Springer Singapore, 2015.
(preprint version)
Bali, Indonesia. May 19-21, 2015.
(Acceptance rate of long papers: 40% = 18/45)
Nakazawa won the best presentation award. -
Daisuke Kawahara, Yuichiro Machida, Tomohide Shibata, Sadao Kurohashi, Hayato Kobayashi, and Manabu Sassano.
"Rapid Development of a Corpus with Discourse Annotations using Two-stage Crowdsourcing",
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2014),
pages 269-278. Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014.
Dublin, Ireland. August 23-29, 2014.
(Acceptance rate: 31% = 217/705) -
Hayato Kobayashi.
"Perplexity on Reduced Corpora",
In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2014),
pages 797-806. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014.
Baltimore, USA. June 22-27, 2014.
(Acceptance rate of long oral presentations: 17% = 95/572) -
Hayato Kobayashi, Hiromi Wakaki, Tomohiro Yamasaki, and Masaru Suzuki.
"Topic Models with Logical Constraints on Words",
In Proceedings of Workshop on Robust Unsupervised and Semisupervised Methods in Natural Language Processing (ROBUS 2011), pages 33-40. 2011.
(slides, code)
Hissar, Bulgaria. September 15, 2011.
(Acceptance rate: 55% = 6/11) -
Kengo Matsuta, Hayato Kobayashi, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Multi-Target Adaptive A*",
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2010),
pages 1065-1072. IFAAMAS, 2010.
Toronto, Canada. May 10-14, 2010.
(Acceptance rate: 24% = 163/685) -
Tatsuya Kasai, Hayato Kobayashi, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"The Size of Message Set Needed for the Optimal Communication Policy",
In Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2009).
Ayia Napa, Cyprus. December 17-18, 2009. -
Hayato Kobayashi and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Complexity of Teaching by a Restricted Number of Examples",
In Proceedings of the 22nd Anual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2009),
pages 293-302. Omnipress, 2009.
Montreal, Canada. June 18-21, 2009.
(Acceptance rate: 30% = 40/133) -
Tatsuya Kasai, Hayato Kobayashi, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Improvement of the Performance by using Received Message on Learning of Communication Codes",
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2009),
pages 1229-1230. IFAAMAS, 2009.
Budapest, Hungary. May 10-15, 2009.
(Acceptance rate of extended abstracts: 15% = 9/60) -
Hayato Kobayashi, Tsugutoyo Osaki, Tetsuro Okuyama, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Development of an Augmented Environment and Autonomous Learning for Quadruped Robots",
In RoboCup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XII,
volume 5399 of LNCS, pages 109-120. Springer-Verlag, 2009.
(journal version)
Suzhou, China. July 15-18, 2008. (slides, movies)
(Acceptance rate: 40% = 36/91)
FY2008 RoboCup Japan Research Award -
Hayato Kobayashi, Kohei Hatano, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Autonomous Learning of Ball Passing by Four-legged Robots and Trial Reduction by Thinning-out and Surrogate Functions",
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-10),
pages 145-154. IOS Press, July 2008.
Baden Baden, Germany. July 23-25, 2008.
(Acceptance rate: 63% = 50/80)
Hayato Kobayashi, Kohei Hatano, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Reducing Trials by Thinning-out in Skill Discovery",
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2007),
volume 4755 of LNCS, pages 127-138. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
(preprint version,
Sendai, Japan. October 1-4, 2007.
(Acceptance rate: 31% = 17/55) -
Hayato Kobayashi, Tsugutoyo Osaki, Eric Williams, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"Autonomous Learning of Ball Trapping in the Four-legged Robot League",
In RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X,
volume 4434 of LNCS, pages 86-97. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
(preprint version,
Bremen, Germany. June 19-20, 2006.
(Acceptance rate: 15% = 22/143)
Best student award nomination at RoboCup Symposium 2006.
FY2006 RoboCup Japan Research Award
Hayato Kobayashi, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara.
"A Framework for Advanced Robot Programming in the RoboCup Domain",
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-9),
pages 660-667. IOS Press, March 2006.
Tokyo, Japan. March 7-9, 2006.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Tatsuya Ishigaki, Kazuya Machida, Hayato Kobayashi, Hiroya Takamura, and Manabu Okumura. "Semi-Supervised Extractive Question Summarizer Using Question-Answer Pairs and its Learning Methods" (in Japanese), Journal of Natural Language Processing, to appear.
- Takumi Ito*, Tatsuki Kuribayashi*, Hayato Kobayashi, Ana Brassard, Masato Hagiwara, Jun Suzuki, and Kentaro Inui. "Assisting Authors to Convert Raw Products into Polished Prose", Journal of Cognitive Science, Vol. 21, No. 1, pages 99-135, 2020. (*equal contribution)
- Yukihiro Tagami, Hayato Kobayashi, Shingo Ono, and Akira Tajima. "Representation Learning for Users' Web Browsing Sequences", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E101.D(7):1870-1879, 2018.
- Hayato Kobayashi, Tsugutoyo Osaki, Tetsuro Okuyama, Joshua Gramm, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara. "Development of an Interactive Augmented Environment and its Application to Autonomous Learning for Quadruped Robots", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E92-D(9):1752-1761, 2009.
- Hayato Kobayashi, Kohei Hatano, Akira Ishino, Ayumi Shinohara. "Thinning-out: A Method to Reduce Trials in Skill Discovery of a Robot" (in Japanese), Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 1, pages 191-202, 2009.
Technical Papers
- Heishiro Kanagawa, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Yukihiro Tagami, Taiji Suzuki. "Cross-domain Recommendation via Deep Domain Adaptation", In CoRR, abs/1803.03018, 2018. (revised version for ECIR 2019)
- Akira Ishino, Ayumi Shinohara, and Hayato Kobayashi. "Jolly Pochie 2007: Team Description Paper", In RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI, LNCS, CDROM. Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Hayato Kobayashi, Jun Inoue, Tsugutoyo Osaki, Tetsuro Okuyama, Shuhei Yanagimachi, Takahito Sasaki, Keisuke Oi, Seiji Hirama, Akira Ishino, Ayumi Shinohara, Akihiro Kamiya, Satoshi Abe, Wataru Matsubara, Tomoyuki Nakamura. "Jolly Pochie Technical Report in RoboCup 2006", Technical report, Jolly Pochie, 2006.
- Hayato Kobayashi, Akira Ishino, and Ayumi Shinohara. "Jolly Pochie 2006: Team Description Paper", In RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X, volume 4434 of LNCS, CDROM. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
- Hayato Kobayashi, Tsugutoyo Osaki, Akira Ishino, Jun Inoue, Narumichi Sakai, Satoshi Abe, Shuhei Yanagimachi, Tetsuo Okuyama, Akihiro Kamiya, Kazuyuki Narisawa, and Ayumi Shinohara. "Jolly Pochie Technical Report RoboCup 2005", Technical report, Jolly Pochie, 2005.
- Jun Inoue, Hayato Kobayashi, Akira Ishino, Ayumi Shinohara. "Jolly Pochie 2005 in the Four Legged Robot League", In RoboCup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IX, volume 4020 of LNCS, CDROM. Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Requested Talks and Manuscripts (Mostly in Japanese)
小林 隼人.
東北大学大学院情報科学研究科公開講演会, September 2019.
Invited Talk -
小林 隼人.
"ECIR 2018参加報告",
日本データベース学会ニュースレター, June 2019.
Requested Manuscript -
TOBITA Tech Conference 2018, December 2018.
Requested Talk -
Hayato Kobayashi.
"Application of Neural Summarization in Yahoo! JAPAN",
In Second International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL-2018), July 2018.
Invited Talk -
小林 隼人.
第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 1L4-1, December 2015.
Keynote Talk -
小林 隼人.
"国際会議報告 EMNLP 2015 ~文書要約~",
第2回自然言語処理シンポジウム, 2015-NL-224(10), December 2015.
Requested Talk -
小林 隼人.
Yahoo! JAPANデータサイエンスワークショップ, December 2015.
Requested Talk -
野口 正樹, 中島 泰, 小林 隼人.
"COLING 2014参加報告",
AAMTジャーナル, No.58, February 2015.
Requested Manuscript -
小林 隼人.
第9回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会, June 2012.
Invited Talk. -
小林 隼人, 篠原 歩.
電子情報通信学会2010年総合大会 計算理論における学生の研究パワー:COMP学生シンポジウム, DS-1-6, March 2010.
Invited Talk.
Domestic Conference Papers (Mostly in Japanese)
柴田知秀, 山田悠右, 小林隼人, 田口拓明, 奥村学.
言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021), B7-3, March 2021.
仲村 勇輝, 柴田 知秀, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 田口 拓明.
2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 4M2-GS-5, June 2020.
山田 悠右, 藤田 綜一郎, 柴田 知秀, 小林 隼人, 田口 拓明, 奥村 学.
2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 4Rin1-35, June 2020.
Excellent Paper Award (Interactive Presentation) at JSAI 2020 -
田口拓明, 藤田綜一郎, 小林隼人, 田渕義宗, 小林健, 村尾一真, Chahine Koleejan, 増山毅司, 谷塚太一, 奥村学.
第15回テキストアナリティクス・シンポジウム, NLC2019-16, October 2019.
宮崎祐, 小林隼人, 菅原晃平, 山崎朋哉, 野口正樹.
日本認知科学会第36回大会(JCSS 2019), P2-64, September 2019.
藤田 綜一郎, 小林 隼人, 奥村 学.
2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2019), 2I5-J-9-01, June 2019.
伊藤拓海, 栗林樹生, 小林隼人, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎.
言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019), B5-4, March 2019.
町田和哉, 小林隼人, 高村大也, 奥村 学.
言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019), F6-1, March 2019.
The first author, Kazuya Machida, won the Young Researcher Award at NLP 2019. -
田渕 義宗, 小林隼人, 村尾一真.
言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019), P7-33, March 2019.
村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 谷塚 太一, 小林 健, 増山 毅司, 日暮 立, 田渕 義宗.
第5回自然言語処理シンポジウム, NLC2018-34, December 2018.
石垣 達也, 町田 和哉, 小林 隼人, 高村 大也, 奥村 学.
"Distant Supervisionによる質問要約",
第236回自然言語処理研究会, 2018-NL-236(5), July 2018.
藤田 綜一郎, 小林 隼人, 奥村 学.
第236回自然言語処理研究会, 2018-NL-236(14), July 2018.
日暮 立, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司.
"ランク学習による Yahoo!知恵袋の見出し生成",
2018年度 人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2018), 2E2-03, June 2018.
竹前 慎太郎, 村尾 一真, 谷塚 太一, 小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 西川 仁, 徳永 健伸.
2018年度 人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2018), 3Pin1-36, June 2018.
Excellent Paper Award (Interactive Presentation) at JSAI 2018 -
Toru Shimizu, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu.
"Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification with Dialog Data",
2018年度 人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2018), 4G2-04, June 2018.
小林健, 小林隼人, 村尾一真, 増山毅司.
言語処理学会第24回年次大会(NLP2018), A1-3, March 2018.
Jan Wira Gotama Putra, Hayato Kobayashi, and Nobuyuki Shimizu.
"Experiment on Using Topic Sentence for Neural News Headline Generation",
言語処理学会第24回年次大会(NLP2018), A1-2, March 2018.
中井 亮, 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 野口 正樹, 村尾 一真, 中山 英樹.
第23回画像センシングシンポジウム(SSII2017), IS1-02, June 2017.
鍜治 伸裕, 小林 隼人.
"Skip-gram Model with Negative Samplingのオンライン逐次学習",
言語処理学会第23回年次大会(NLP2017), pages 262-265, March 2017.
Excellent Paper Award at NLP 2017 -
村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 谷塚 太一, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 明神 学, 松田 昇悟, 増田 毅司, 野口 正樹.
"事例紹介: ヤフートピックス見出し候補の自動生成",
言語処理学会第23回年次大会(NLP2017), 企業ブース・デモ, March 2017.
鍜治 伸裕, 小林 隼人.
第19回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2016), D1-54, November 2016.
金川 平志郎, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 田頭 幸浩, 鈴木 大慈.
第19回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2016), D1-64, November 2016.
菅原 晃平, 小林 隼人, 岩崎 雅二郎.
"On Approximately Searching for Similar Word Embeddings",
NLP若手の会(YANS) 第11回シンポジウム, P13, August 2016.
小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 谷塚 太一.
第23回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会 ―第18回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2015)―, D-87, November 2015.
金川 平志郎, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 鈴木 大慈.
第23回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会 ―第18回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2015)―, D-71, November 2015.
山崎 朋哉, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 山内 智.
第23回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会 ―第18回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2015)―, D-67, November 2015.
小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 颯々野 学.
第6回対話システムシンポジウム, pages 25-26, October 2015.
山元 浩平, 茂木 哲矢, 田頭 幸浩, 小林 隼人, 小野 真吾, 中山 英樹.
第18回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2015), DS2-9, July 2015.
田頭幸浩, 小林隼人, 小野真吾, 田島玲.
"Paragraph Vectorを用いたウェブ上のユーザー行動のモデリング",
言語処理学会第21回年次大会(NLP2015), pages 692-695, March 2015.
野口 正樹, 谷塚太一, 小林隼人.
言語処理学会第21回年次大会(NLP2015), pages 1084-1087, March 2015.
山元 浩平, 茂木 哲矢, 田頭 幸浩, 小林 隼人, 小野 真吾, 中山 英樹.
パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU), PRMU2014-149, pages 179-184, February 2015.
Phiradet Bangcharoensap, Hayato Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Satoshi Yamauchi.
"Analysis of Fraudulent Bidder's Behaviors",
第19回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会 ―第17回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2014)―, D-01, November 2014.
山元浩平, 茂木哲矢, 田頭幸浩, 小林隼人, 小野真吾.
第19回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会 ―第17回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2014)―, D-28, November 2014.
河原 大輔, 町田 雄一郎, 柴田 知秀, 黒橋 禎夫, 小林 隼人, 颯々野 学.
情報処理学会 第217回自然言語処理研究会, 2014-NL-217(12), July 2014.
Hayato Kobayashi.
"Perplexity on Reduced Corpora",
第11回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会 ―第15回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2012)―, pages 31-38, November 2012.
小林 隼人, 若木裕美, 山崎智弘, 鈴木優.
第5回情報論的学習理論と機械学習(IBISML)研究会, pages 67-74, June 2011.
FY2011 IBISML Research Award. -
小林 隼人, 若木裕美, 山崎智弘, 鈴木優.
"重み付き z-ラベルによる半教師あり潜在的ディリクレ配分法",
電子情報通信学会2011年総合大会, D-20-4, March 2011.
- 小林 隼人, 篠原 歩. "例数制限付き教示の複雑さ", 2008年度冬のLAシンポジウム, pages S2.1-S2.10, February 2009.
葛西 達也, 小林 隼人, 篠原 歩.
情報処理学会第71回全国大会講演論文集, pages 200-202(3R-2), March 2009.
The first author, Tatsuya Kasai, won the Student Encouragement Award at IPSJ 2009. - 小林 隼人, 畑埜 晃平, 石野 明, 篠原 歩. "間引きを用いたパス技術の自律学習", 情報処理学会 第70回 全国大会講演論文集 第2分冊, pages 209-210, March 2008.
小林 隼人, 畑埜 晃平, 石野 明, 篠原 歩.
人工知能学会 第25回 SIG-Challenge研究会, pages 52-57, May 2007.
FY2007 JSAI Incentive Award. - 石野 明, 小林 隼人. "段階的なロボットプログラム開発", 情報処理学会 夏のプログラミング・シンポジウム2006, pages 53-60, September 2006.
- 柳町 修平, 大崎 嗣豊, 小林 隼人, 石野 明, 篠原 歩. "実ロボットによる揺動運動のスキル獲得", 人工知能学会 第62回人工知能基本問題研究会(SIG-FPAI), pages 17-22 March 2006.
- 小林 隼人, 井上 淳, 石野 明, 篠原 歩. "スクリプト言語Luaを用いたロボカップ四足ロボットリーグシミュレータ", 人工知能学会 第21回SIG-Challenge研究会, pages 20-25, May 2005.
- 小林 隼人,石野 明,篠原 歩. "スクリプト言語の組み込みとモジュールシステムが調和するフレームワーク" 情報処理学会 若手の会セミナー 2005, September 2005
- 三島 拓朗, 井上 淳, 小林 隼人, 石野 明, 篠原 歩. "モンテカルロ位置同定法による四足ロボットの自己位置同定とロボットサッカーへの応用", 情報処理学会 火の国情報シンポジウム2005, CD-ROM, March 2005.
Awards, Grants, and Other Achievements
- ACL 2021 Outstanding Reviewer (top 3.8%, 140/3685)
To me - ICML 2021 Top 10% Reviewer (top 10%, 477/4807) (+ Expert Reviewer role)
To me - EMNLP 2020 Outstanding Reviewer (top 12%, 316/2633)
To me - ICML 2020 Top 33% Reviewer (top 33%, 1064/3224)
To me - ACL 2020 Outstanding Reviewer (top 9%, 227/2519)
To me - Excellent Paper Award (Interacive Presentation) at JSAI 2020, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
To our JSAI 2020 paper
As a co-author - 2019H1 Super Egison Award (four times), Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our four patents
As the main inventor of one patent, and as a co-inventor of the rest - EMNLP 2019 Outstanding Reviewer (top 10.1%, 272/1700)
To me - NeurIPS 2019 Top 400 Reviewer (top 8.8%, 400/4534)
To me - Integrated Business Strategy Contribution Award runner-up, 2018H2 D&S Award, Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our internal achievement
As a member - Director Poster Award (Kakuda Award), 2018H2 D&S Award, Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our internal poster
As a co-author - 2018H1 Super Egison Award (twice), Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our two patents
As a co-inventor - Excellent Paper Award (Interacive Presentation) at JSAI 2018, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
To our JSAI 2018 paper (cf. C+J 2019 paper)
As a co-author - NAACL-HLT 2018 Outstanding Reviewer (top 10.7%, 147/1372)
To me - 2017H2 Super Egison Award (twice), Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our two patents
As the main inventor - Fighting‐spirit Award, 2017H1 D&S Award, Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our internal achievement
As a member - Super Poster Award (twice), 2016Q4 D&S Award, Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our two internal posters
As a co-author - Excellent Paper Award at NLP 2017, The Association for Natural Language Processing
To our NLP 2017 paper (cf. EMNLP 2017 paper)
As a co-author - D&S Super Star Award, 2016Q1 D&S Award, Yahoo Japan Corporation
To our internal achievement
As a member - FY2011 IBISML Research Award (top 1%, 1/100+), The technical group of Information-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning
To our IBISML 2011 paper (cf. ROBUS 2011 paper)
As the first author - 3rd place at the 2011H2 R&D Poster Session, Toshiba Corporation
To me - The doctral course representative of the FY2009 commencement ceremony, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
To me - FY2008 RoboCup Japan Research Award
To our RoboCup 2008 paper
As the first author - FY2007 JSAI Incentive Award, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
To our JSAI 2007 paper (cf. DS 2007 paper)
As the first author - FY2006 MVP, Department of Informatics, Kyushu University
To me - FY2006 RoboCup Japan Research Award
To our RoboCup 2006 paper
As the first author - FY2005 Kyushu University President's Award (Outstanding Performance Award)
To our Challenge and Creation project
As the sub leader - FY2004 Best Performance Award at RoboCup Japan Open 2004 Osaka, The Robotics Society of Japan
To our four-legged robot league team
Aa a member
- 2014 - 2021,
Kuro-obi, Yahoo Japan Corporation
As the single representative of the proposal
1,000,000 JPY every year
- FY2007 - FY2009,
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows
As the single representative of the proposal
2,700,000 JPY (900,000 + 900,000 + 900,000)
- FY2006,
Challenge and Creation, Kyushu University
As the team leader
200,000 JPY
- FY2005 H2,
MITOU Program, IPA
As a co-developer
1,500,000 JPY
- FY2005,
Challenge and Creation, Kyushu University
As the sub team leader
500,000 JPY
Results of RoboCup Four-Legged League
- RoboCup 2009 Japan Open: 3rd place
- RoboCup 2008 Japan Open: 3rd place
- RoboCup 2007 International Competition: Quarterfinals (first time in two years as a Japanese team)
Technical Challenge Competition: 2nd place
Microsoft Robotic Studio Challenge: 3rd place - RoboCup 2007 Japan Open: Eliminated in the preliminary round
- RoboCup 2006 International Competition: Eliminated in the preliminary round
- RoboCup 2006 Japan Open: 2nd place
- RoboCup 2005 International Competition: Quarterfinals (first time in three years as a Japanese team)
- RoboCup 2005 Japan Open: Eliminated in the preliminary round
- RoboCup 2004 International Competition: Eliminated in the preliminary round
- RoboCup 2004 Japan Open: 4th place
- OPEN-R Techno Forum: 1st place in the PK and Race competitions
Highlight of the RoboCup international competition 2007
- Our team Jolly Pochie advanced to the quarterfinals (first time in two years as a Japanese team)
Learning of goal keeping in an augmented environment by reinforcement learning
- See RoboCup 2008 paper
- Learning (pretraining) of goal keeping in a simulated environment in early (left) and two late (right) stages
- Learning (finetuning) of gool keeping in synchronized real/simulated environments (left) and an augmented environment (right)
- Learning (teaching) of goal keeping with human interaction in early (left) and late (right) stages
Learning of ball passing with real robots by meta-heuristics
- See IAS 2008 paper
- Learning of ball passing in early (left) and late (right) stages
Learning of ball kicking in a simulated environment by meta-heuristics
- See DS 2007 paper
- Learning of ball kicking in early (left) and two late (middle, right) stages
- Learned strange motions: pushing (left) and heading (right)
Learning of ball trapping with real robots by reinforcement learning
- See RoboCup 2006 paper
- Learning of ball trapping with one robot in early (left) and late (right) stages
- Learning of ball trapping with two robots in early (left) and late (right) stages
Creating a robot program (Lua) and a plug-in module (C++)
- See IAS 2006 paper
- Demonstration of creating a robot program (left) and a plug-in module (right)
Learning of swinging with real robots by reinforcement learning
- See FPAI 2006 paper
- Learning of swinging in early (left) and late (right) stages
Visualization of tweets on a map in an augmented environment
- Demonstration of an AR system developed in 2011 with ARToolKit, PhysX, Kinnect, and the Kleinberg's burst detection algorithm. The system can (i) extract burst tweets related to each location by the Kleinberg's burst detection algorithm, (ii) overlay normal/burst tweets as blue/red balls on the real world by ARToolKit, (iii) detect a hand and show the point cloud for occlusion by Kinnect, and (iv) calculate the physical interaction of the balls and the hand by PhysX.
- 2021 - present: Action Editor of ACL Rolling Review (ARR)
- 2020 - present: Standing Reviewer Team of Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL)
- 2020 - 2021: Annual Meeting Program Committee of the Association for Natural Language Processing (ANLP)
- 2018 - 2019: Steering Committee of the Young Researcher Association for NLP Studies (YANS)
- 2017 - 2021: Journal Editorial Committee of the Association for Natural Language Processing (ANLP)
- 2015 - 2018: Steering Committee of the Special Interest Group of Natural Language Processing (IPSJ-SIGNL)
- 2012 - present: Technical Committee of the Technical Group on Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication (IEICE-NLC)
- Program committee or requested reviwer of NAACL, ACL, EMNLP, AAAI, NeurIPS, ICML, JMLR, AIJ, etc.
Mentored Students
- 2021 - 2021: Ma Congda (Tokyo Institute of Technology):
- 2018 - 2021: Yu Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology): JSAI 2020, NLP 2021, Excellent Paper Award (Interactive Presentation) at JSAI 2020
- 2018 - 2020: Yuki Nakamura (Keio University): JSAI 2020
- 2018 - 2020: Tatsuya Ishigaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology): ECIR 2020, NL 2018
- 2018 - 2019: Kazuya Machida (Tokyo Institute of Technology): ECIR 2020, NLP 2019, Young Researcher Award at NLP 2019
- 2017 - 2021: Soichiro Fujita (Tokyo Institute of Technology): ECIR 2020, ACL 2019, JSAI 2019, NL 2018
- 2017 - 2018: Jan Wira Gotama Putra (Tokyo Institute of Technology): CICLing 2018, NLP 2018
- 2017 - 2017: Souta Yamashiro (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Joined YJ
- 2016 - 2017: Ryo Nakai (University of Tokyo): SSII 2017
- 2016 - 2018: Shintaro Takemae (Tokyo Institute of Technology): C+J 2019, JSAI 2018, Excellent Paper Award (Interactive Presentation) at JSAI 2018
- 2015 - 2019: Heishiro Kanagawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology): ICML 2016, NIPS 2016, ECIR 2019, IBIS 2015, IBIS 2016
- 2015 - 2016: Kohei Yamamoto (University of Tokyo): WWW 2016, IBIS 2014, PRMU 2014, MIRU 2015
- 2015 - 2016: Tomoya Yamazaki (Kyoto University): Joined YJ, WWW 2016, IBIS 2015
- 2015 - 2016: Phiradet Bangcharoensap (Tokyo Institute of Technology): ECML-PKDD 2015, WSDM 2016, IBIS 2014
- 2013 - 2013: Shannon Lytle (Harvard University): MVP in the 2013 internship program of Active Learning inc.
- 2009 - 2010: Kengo Matsuta (Tohoku University): AAMAS 2010
- 2008 - 2009: Tatsuya Kasai (Tohoku University): AAMAS 2009, EUMAS 2009, IPSJ 2009, Student Encouragement Award at IPSJ 2009
Mentored Engineers
- 2019 - 2020: Hiroaki Taguchi: NLC 2019, SocialNLP 2021
- 2019 - 2019: Tasuku Miyazaki: JCSS 2019
- 2019 - 2019: Yoshimune Tabuchi: NLP 2019
- 2018 - 2019: Kazuma Murao: NAACL 2019, C+J 2019, NLC 2018
- 2018 - 2019: Ken Kobayashi: NAACL 2019, NLP 2018
- 2018 - 2019: Tatsuru Higurashi: COLING 2019, JSAI 2018
- 2018 - 2019: Toru Shimizu: ACL 2019, JSAI 2018
- 2016 - 2016: Kohei Sugawara: ACL 2016, YANS 2016
- 2015 - 2016: Yukihiro Tagami: TargetAd 2016, WWW 2015, NLP 2015
- 2015 - 2015: Masaki Noguchi: NLP 2015
Patents (Mostly in Japanese)
- 清水 徹, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 宰川 潤二, 土沢 誉太.
特願2019-172312(2019/09/20), 特開2021-051391(2021/04/01). - 田渕 義宗, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 小林 健.
特願2019-149020(2019/08/15), 特開2021-033367(2021/03/01). - 田渕 義宗, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 小林 健.
特願2019-149016(2019/08/15), 特開2021-033366(2021/03/01). - 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-148494(2019/08/13), 特開2021-033320(2021/03/01). - 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-142353(2019/08/01), 特開2021-026395(2021/02/22). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉.
特願2019-133764(2019/07/19), 特開2021-018596(2021/02/15). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-127926(2019/07/09), 特開2021-012660(2021/02/04). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-127753(2019/07/09), 特開2021-012646(2021/02/04). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-127752(2019/07/09), 特開2021-012645(2021/02/04). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-126497(2019/07/05), 特開2021-012547(2021/02/04). - 小林 健, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-82255(2019/04/23), 特開2020-181270(2020/11/05). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2019-24927(2019/02/14), 特開2020-135153(2020/08/31). - 清水 徹, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 宰川 潤二, バッタチャルジ アヌパム.
特願2019-22029(2019/02/08), 特開2020-129306(2020/08/27). - 清水 徹, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 宰川 潤二, バッタチャルジ アヌパム.
特願2019-20768(2019/02/07), 特開2020-129193(2020/08/27). - 坪内 孝太, 清水 徹, 宰川 潤二, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, バッタチャルジ アヌパム.
特願2019-20767(2019/02/07), 特開2020-129192(2020/08/27). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2019-17780(2019/02/04), 特開2020-126392(2020/08/20). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-248065(2018/12/28), 特開2020-107249(2020/07/09). - 村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 増山 毅司, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 谷塚 太一, 田渕 義宗.
特願2018-238841(2018/12/20), 特開2020-101936(2020/07/02). - 谷塚 太一, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 田渕 義宗.
特願2018-235925(2018/12/17), 特開2020-098437(2020/06/25). - 谷塚 太一, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 小林 健, 日暮 立, 田渕 義宗.
特願2018-235493(2018/12/17), 特開2020-098395(2020/06/25). - 山本 貴之, 宮崎 光世, 清水 徹, 宰川 潤二, バッタチャルジ アヌパム, クルカルニ カウステューブ, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸.
特願2018-176628(2018/09/20), 特開2020-047126(2020/03/26), 特許06679683(2020/03/23). - 清水 徹, 宰川 潤二, バッタチャルジ アヌパム, クルカルニ カウステューブ, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸.
特願2018-176617(2018/09/20), 特開2020-047125(2020/03/26), 特許06553793(2019/07/12). - 清水 徹, 宰川 潤二, バッタチャルジ アヌパム, クルカルニ カウステューブ, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸.
特願2018-174903(2018/09/19), 特開2020-046940(2020/03/26), 特許06584613(2019/09/13). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-166165(2018/09/05), 特開2020-038557(2020/03/12). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-136051(2018/07/19), 特開2020-013395(2020/01/23). - 小林 隼人.
特願2018-122446(2018/06/27), 特開2020-004054(2020/01/09). - 小林 隼人, 日暮 立, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司.
特願2018-117093(2018/06/20), 特開2019-219932(2019/12/26). - 鍜治 伸裕, 小林 隼人.
特願2018-107118(2018/06/04), 特開2019-211977(2019/12/12). - 菅原 晃平, 宮崎 崇史, 角田 直行, 小林 隼人.
特願2018-100858(2018/05/25), 特開2019-204433(2019/11/28). - 木下 華七子, 角田 直行, 小林 隼人.
特願2018-99978(2018/05/24), 特開2019-204365(2019/11/28). - 清水 徹, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, クルカルニ カウステューブ, 宰川 潤二.
特願2018-99912(2018/05/24), 特開2019-204362(2019/11/28). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-96595(2018/05/18), 特開2019-200743(2019/11/21). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-96594(2018/05/18), 特開2019-200742(2019/11/21). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-96577(2018/05/18), 特開2019-200738(2019/11/21). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹, 山崎 朋哉, 山内 一騎.
特願2018-96576(2018/05/18), 特開2019-200737(2019/11/21). - 小林 隼人, 宮崎 崇史.
特願2018-96450(2018/05/18), 特開2019-200724(2019/11/21). - 村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 増山 毅司, 田渕 義宗, 沼田 雅志, 仲辻 正幸, 後藤 拓実.
特願2018-91530(2018/05/10), 特開2019-197422(2019/11/14). - 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 田渕 義宗, 沼田 雅志, 仲辻 正幸, 後藤 拓実.
特願2018-80147(2018/04/18), 特開2019-191659(2019/10/31). - 村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 増山 毅司, 田渕 義宗, 沼田 雅志, 仲辻 正幸, 後藤 拓実.
特願2018-50580(2018/03/19), 特開2019-164417(2019/09/26). - 小林 隼人.
特願2018-48357(2018/03/15), 特開2019-160064(2019/09/19), 特許06865706(2021/04/08). - 塚本 浩司, 谷口 博基, 岩崎 雅二郎, 小林 隼人.
特願2018-45714(2018/03/13), 特開2019-159806(2019/09/19). - 山元 浩平, 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 星野 真吾.
特願2019-51997(2014/12/19), 特開2019-149171(2019/09/05), 特許06790159(2020/11/06). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 田渕 義宗, 沼田 雅志, 仲辻 正幸, 後藤 拓実.
特願2018-32072(2018/02/26), 特開2019-148892(2019/09/05). - 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 田渕 義宗, 沼田 雅志, 仲辻 正幸, 後藤 拓実.
特願2018-26741(2018/02/19), 特開2019-144722(2019/08/29). - 小林 隼人, 竹前 慎太郎, 村尾 一真, 谷塚 太一, 野口 正樹.
特願2018-16776(2018/02/01), 特開2019-133529(2019/08/08), 特許06906456(2021/07/01). - 日暮 立, 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一.
特願2018-7393(2018/01/19), 特開2019-125317(2019/07/25). - 金川 平志郎, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 田頭 幸浩.
特願2018-7286(2018/01/19), 特開2019-125313(2019/07/25), 特許06523498(2019/05/10). - 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 日暮 立, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一.
特願2018-7050(2018/01/19), 特開2019-125291(2019/07/25), 特許06921011(2021/07/29). - 村上 直也, 小林 隼人, 日暮 立, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一.
特願2018-5031(2018/01/16), 特開2019-125146(2019/07/25). - 谷塚 太一, 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 小林 健, 日暮 立.
特願2018-5030(2018/01/16), 特開2019-125145(2019/07/25). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 田渕 義宗, 沼田 雅志, 仲辻 正幸, 後藤 拓実.
特願2018-2395(2018/01/11), 特開2019-121302(2019/07/22), 特許06879953(2021/05/07). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-243224(2017/12/19), 特開2019-109789(2019/07/04). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-243223(2017/12/19), 特開2019-109788(2019/07/04). - 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人.
特願2017-226143(2017/11/24), 特開2019-096148(2019/06/20). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-204653(2017/10/23), 特開2019-079198(2019/05/23). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-202996(2017/10/19), 特開2019-079088(2019/05/23). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-202995(2017/10/19), 特開2019-079087(2019/05/23). - 山崎 朋哉, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 山内 智.
特願2018-245789(2016/03/10), 特開2019-071102(2019/05/09), 特許06917972(2021/07/26). - 村上 直也, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 明神 学, 清水 伸幸, プトラ ジャンウィラゴタマ.
特願2018-23226(2018/02/13), 特開2019-057266(2019/04/11). - 小林 隼人, 村尾 一真, 増山 毅司, 村上 直也, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 明神 学.
特願2017-180167(2017/09/20), 特開2019-057034(2019/04/11). - 村上 直也, 小林 隼人.
特願2017-180077(2017/09/20), 特開2019-057023(2019/04/11). - 村尾 一真, 村上 直也, 増山 毅司, 小林 隼人, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 明神 学.
特願2017-179531(2017/09/19), 特開2019-056973(2019/04/11), 特許06529559(2019/05/24). - 増山 毅司, 村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 小林 健, 谷塚 太一, 日暮 立, 明神 学.
特願2017-177718(2017/09/15), 特開2019-053558(2019/04/04). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-159757(2017/08/22), 特開2019-040270(2019/03/14). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-159756(2017/08/22), 特開2019-040269(2019/03/14), 特許06869849(2021/04/16). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里.
特願2017-151955(2017/08/04), 特開2019-032377(2019/02/28). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-141314(2017/07/20), 特開2019-021218(2019/02/07). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-141231(2017/07/20), 特開2019-021210(2019/02/07), 特許06910873(2021/07/09). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2017-141170(2017/07/20), 特開2019-021206(2019/02/07). - 野口 正樹, 中井 亮, 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 村尾 一真.
特願2017-126710(2017/06/28), 特開2019-008742(2019/01/17), 特許06355800(2018/06/22). - 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 野口 正樹, 星野 真吾.
特願2018-159729(2016/01/19), 特開2018-200721(2018/12/20). - 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸.
特願2017-53542(2017/03/17), 特開2018-156474(2018/10/04), 特許06494679(2019/03/15). - 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸.
特願2017-53541(2017/03/17), 特開2018-156473(2018/10/04), 特許06415619(2018/10/12). - 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人.
特願2017-53540(2017/03/17), 特開2018-156472(2018/10/04), 特許06419240(2018/10/19). - 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸.
特願2017-53539(2017/03/17), 特開2018-156471(2018/10/04), 特許06456423(2018/12/28). - 山元 浩平, 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 星野 真吾.
特願2018-48633(2014/12/19), 特開2018-133095(2018/08/23), 特許06501939(2019/03/29). - 菅原 晃平, 小林 隼人, 丹羽 達洋, 清水 徹, 鍜治 伸裕, 清水 伸幸.
特願2018-50127(2016/09/15), 特開2018-129068(2018/08/16), 特許06884722(2021/05/14). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2016-182365(2016/09/16), 特開2018-045660(2018/03/22), 特許06798840(2020/11/24). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2016-182364(2016/09/16), 特開2018-045659(2018/03/22), 特許06798839(2020/11/24). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2016-182363(2016/09/16), 特開2018-045658(2018/03/22), 特許06680656(2020/03/24). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2016-182362(2016/09/16), 特開2018-045657(2018/03/22), 特許06775366(2020/10/08). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, 野口 正樹.
特願2016-182361(2016/09/16), 特開2018-045656(2018/03/22), 特許06680655(2020/03/24). - 清水 徹, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 菅原 晃平, 丹羽 達洋, 鍜治 伸裕.
特願2016-182088(2016/09/16), 特開2018-045630(2018/03/22), 特許06205039(2017/09/08). - 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 清水 徹, 菅原 晃平, 丹羽 達洋, 鍜治 伸裕.
特願2016-180929(2016/09/15), 特開2018-045532(2018/03/22), 特許06584376(2019/09/13). - 菅原 晃平, 小林 隼人, 丹羽 達洋, 清水 徹, 鍜治 伸裕, 清水 伸幸.
特願2016-180928(2016/09/15), 特開2018-045531(2018/03/22), 特許06333329(2018/05/11). - 菅原 晃平, 小林 隼人, 丹羽 達洋, 清水 徹, 鍜治 伸裕, 清水 伸幸.
特願2016-179229(2016/09/14), 特開2018-045413(2018/03/22), 特許06482512(2019/02/22). - 菅原 晃平, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 清水 徹, 鍜治 伸裕, 丹羽 達洋.
特願2016-177971(2016/09/12), 特開2018-045320(2018/03/22), 特許06440660(2018/11/30). - 清水 徹, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 菅原 晃平, マク ヒンチュン.
特願2016-161488(2016/08/19), 特開2018-028872(2018/02/22), 特許06526607(2019/05/17). - 村尾 一真, 野口 正樹, 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 谷塚 太一, 石川 貴大.
特願2016-141752(2016/07/19), 特開2018-013876(2018/01/25), 特許06205466(2017/09/08). - 村尾 一真, 小林 隼人, 村上 直也, 野口 正樹, 谷塚 太一, 石川 貴大.
特願2016-127570(2016/06/28), 特開2018-005324(2018/01/11), 特許06152199(2017/06/02). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2016-55545(2016/03/18), 特開2017-173874(2017/09/28), 特許06679360(2020/03/23). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2016-55544(2016/03/18), 特開2017-173873(2017/09/28), 特許06429819(2018/11/09). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2016-55499(2016/03/18), 特開2017-173866(2017/09/28), 特許06400038(2018/09/14). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2016-55498(2016/03/18), 特開2017-173865(2017/09/28), 特許06461032(2019/01/11). - 宮崎 祐, 小林 隼人, 谷尾 香里, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2016-55497(2016/03/18), 特開2017-173864(2017/09/28), 特許06391617(2018/08/31). - 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 野口 正樹.
特願2016-54435(2016/03/17), 特開2017-169140(2017/09/21), 特許06366626(2018/07/13). - 宮崎 崇史, 小林 隼人, 渡邊 佑輔.
特願2016-54545(2016/03/17), 特開2017-167988(2017/09/21), 特許06695178(2020/04/23). - 宮崎 崇史, 小林 隼人, 渡邊 佑輔.
特願2016-54544(2016/03/17), 特開2017-167987(2017/09/21), 特許06396353(2018/09/07). - 小林 隼人, 宮崎 崇史, 渡邊 佑輔.
特願2016-54543(2016/03/17), 特開2017-167986(2017/09/21), 特許06400037(2018/09/14). - 小林 隼人, 宮崎 崇史, 渡邊 佑輔.
特願2016-53993(2016/03/17), 特開2017-167923(2017/09/21), 特許06429818(2018/11/09). - 山崎 朋哉, 清水 伸幸, 小林 隼人, 山内 智.
特願2016-46694(2016/03/10), 特開2017-162237(2017/09/14), 特許06462611(2019/01/11). - 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 野口 正樹, 星野 真吾.
特願2016-12541(2016/01/26), 特開2017-135505(2017/08/03), 特許06230634(2017/10/27). - 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 野口 正樹, 星野 真吾.
特願2016-7646(2016/01/19), 特開2017-129949(2017/07/27), 特許06436922(2018/11/22). - 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 野口 正樹, 星野 真吾.
特願2016-7645(2016/01/19), 特開2017-129948(2017/07/27), 特許06184536(2017/08/04). - 宮崎 祐, 谷尾 香里, 小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2015-184668(2015/09/18), 特開2017-059082(2017/03/23), 特許06370281(2018/07/20). - 宮崎 祐, 谷尾 香里, 小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2015-184649(2015/09/18), 特開2017-059077(2017/03/23), 特許06552353(2019/07/12). - 小林 隼人, 宮崎 崇史.
特願2015-184625(2015/09/18), 特開2017-059073(2017/03/23), 特許06378151(2018/08/03). - 宮崎 祐, 谷尾 香里, 小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2015-184566(2015/09/18), 特開2017-059069(2017/03/23), 特許06367777(2018/07/13). - 宮崎 祐, 谷尾 香里, 小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 菅原 晃平.
特願2015-162492(2015/08/20), 特開2017-041112(2017/02/23), 特許06429747(2018/11/09). - 小林 隼人, 野口 正樹, 谷塚 太一.
特願2015-91548(2015/04/28), 特開2016-207141(2016/12/08), 特許06537340(2019/06/14). - ピーラデート バンチャルアンサープ, 小林 隼人, 清水 伸幸, 山内 智.
特願2015-90392(2015/04/27), 特開2016-207072(2016/12/08), 特許06333213(2018/05/11). - 山元 浩平, 小林 隼人, 田頭 幸浩, 茂木 哲矢, 星野 真吾.
特願2014-257902(2014/12/19), 特開2016-118918(2016/06/30), 特許06309887(2018/03/23). - 小林 隼人, 宮崎 崇史.
特願2014-190925(2014/09/19), 特開2016-061997(2016/04/25), 特許06406954(2018/09/28). - 宮崎 崇史, 小林 隼人.
特願2014-190924(2014/09/19), 特開2016-061996(2016/04/25), 特許06406953(2018/09/28). - 坪内 孝太, 清水 伸幸, 田島 玲, 小林 隼人.
特願2014-166055(2014/08/18), 特開2016-042297(2016/03/31), 特許05961670(2016/07/01). - 小林 隼人, 若木 裕美, 山崎 智弘, 鈴木 優.
特願2012-89750(2012/04/10), 特開2013-218584(2013/10/24), 特許05746658(2015/05/15).